
Michigan Turkey Producers Privacy Policy

Effective November 2012

Michigan Turkey Producers, LLC
1100 Hall Street, SW
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
United States of America


Privacy Policy Statement

Michigan Turkey Producers (MTP or “we”) have developed a Privacy Policy Statement to explain MTP’s gathering and use of: 1) Personally Identifying Information (PII); 2) Tracking Information (if any); 3) Order Placement Information; and 4) Employee data which are collected in the normal course of business. These types of information may be sourced from MTP’s United States websites; in the course of hiring employees; in the course of selling customers and in responding to consumers. It is MTP’s stated practice to adhere to the highest ethical standards in gathering, using and safeguarding customer information that is entrusted to MTP. Further, MTP and its employees or agents shall not use, in any form or manner, and shall not disclose in whole or in part to any other party, a customer’s or employees confidential information except where legally required to do so.

How Does MTP Define PII?

Personal information shall include but is not limited to: name, home address, home zip code, home telephone number, email address, Social Security Number and/or Identification Number, financial information and employment related information such as may be found on resumes, applications, background verification information, or in employment references.

What Information Does MTP Collect?

Unlike many other food marketing companies, MTP does not currently strive to collect PII in order to market directly to consumers. Information that MTP does collect would fall in the following categories:

  • Employee/Applicant hiring information such as name, address, phone (SS# and date of birth post offer).
  • Customer data such as name, address, credit information.
  • Consumer complaint information to enable an appropriate response such as name, address, phone number and e-mail address.
  • Consumer inquiries require name, phone, e-mail to enable response.

How Does MTP Use/Share PII?

Collection and Use of Associate Personal Information MTP also collects Personal Information from its associates and applicants (human resource data) in connection with administration of its Human Resources programs and functions. These programs and functions may include, but are not limited to: job applications and hiring programs, compensation and benefit programs, performance appraisals, training, associate profiles, internal intranet associate directories, Human Resource recordkeeping, and other employment related purposes.

It is the policy of MTP to keep all past and present associates information private from disclosure to third parties. There are certain business related exceptions and they are:

  1. To comply with county, state or federal agency requests;
  2. Inquiries from third parties with a signed authorization from the associates to release the information, except in situations where limited verbal verifications are acceptable (see below);
  3. Third parties with which MTP has contractual agreements to assist in administration of company sponsored benefits.

Verifications of Employment

Prospective employers, financial institutions, and residential property managers routinely contact MTP requesting information on a former or current associates work history and salary. All such requests of this type shall be referred to and completed on a confidential basis by the Human Resources Department. For written verification of employment requests, information will be provided on the form only when it is accompanied by an associate’s signed authorization to release information. The form will be returned directly to the requesting party and filed as part of the Human Resources confidential records.

Medical Information

MTP is compliant with federal HIPAA regulations and only utilizes information related to the company sponsored healthcare plan on a “need to know” basis for administration of the healthcare plan.

All Other PII


What About the Use of Cookies?

MTP only uses cookies on the company’s intranet site which is only available to sales personnel and brokers. This intranet is not available to the general public.

What About External or Third Party Web Sites?

To the extent hyperlinks or gateways (whether through banner advertisements or otherwise) are utilized to access external or third party sites or social media pages, you should be aware that these external or third party sites or pages may collect PII and are not controlled by MTP and therefore, are not subject to this Privacy Policy. MTP suggests that you check the privacy policies of these sites or pages to determine how the proprietors of these third party sites will utilize your PII.

What About Security?

As is appropriate for the nature of PII collected and stored by MTP, the Site(s) has industry standard security measures or safeguards in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under MTP's control. Although MTP has endeavored to create a secure and reliable Site(s), however, the confidentiality of any communication or material cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, you should consider carefully if you want to submit sensitive information to MTP. MTP urges you to take every precaution to protect your PII when on-line.

What About "Opting-Out" of Data Collection and Use?

As you are permitted to browse the Site(s) without registering, you can decide on your own if you wish to provide your PII to MTP (if requested) or opt-out of doing so. For example, MTP does not currently conduct surveys but if we should decide to do so, you do not have to participate. Should MTP begin to overtly collect this type of data, we would then provide an opt out option at that time.

What About Storing and Retaining Information?

MTP will retain your PII for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) for which it was collected and to comply with applicable laws. At any time, you may contact MTP to correct, modify, or delete the information you provide to MTP through the Site(s). Please note, however, that the collection and uses of certain PII is necessary to provide certain information and services through the Site(s) and the deletion of such necessary information, e.g., an email address, may render a particular service or MTP's ability to provide it inoperable. Regarding where PII is stored, it varies by the type of PII. Some is hard copy file storage on site (Employee and customer PII) and some is stored electronically at a contracted service provider. Contact Privacy Officer if more detail is required.

What About Children?

MTP cares about the safety of children on its Site(s) and encourages parents and guardians to monitor their children's use of the Internet. Although the Site(s) is suitable for a general audience, the Site(s) is intended for use only by users who are over 18 years of age or the legal age of majority. Accordingly, MTP does not knowingly solicit PII from children or send them requests for personal information. What About

Any Other Questions?

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the information collection and dissemination practices of the Site(s), or MTP’s use of your PII, you can contact MTP and its employee(s) responsible for its Privacy Policy and related privacy compliance matters by email at, by phone at 1-616-245-2221, by fax at 1-616-247-1545, or by mail at Michigan Turkey Producers, Attn: Privacy Officer, 1100 Hall St., Grand Rapids, MI 49503.